A Blog. Not a Blah-blah-blaahhhhg.

Q: What in the Sam Hill is this place? A: Just another writer’s webpage, minus the bajillion writer-centric links you can find on a million other writer’s webpages. Q: Are your writing markets all-inclusive/up to date/guaranteed/etc? A: Unfortunately, I don’t have time to list *all* of the open markets and keep them up to date. … Continue reading A Blog. Not a Blah-blah-blaahhhhg.


2017 An open road vanishing into the mists of a new year. A chance to reflect on the past. A time to prepare for the journey ahead. Memory lane: Trauma Box, 2016 Float, 2016 The Owl Builder, 2016 Cemetery of Sky, 2015 Fear Wager, 2015 That Old Family Tree, 2014 On the horizon - Möbius Scratch.